Free Crochet Pattern: Marrakesh Messy Bun Hat

The Marrakesh Beanie has been highly requested this winter, I thought it would be great to have the same hat for people with longer hair who love to put it up in a messy bun!

I made this messy bun version for my daughter with an easy bunny applique, very cute for the upcoming spring. 🙂

This pattern includes a starting chain, plus some crocheting around a hair elastic. The starting chain is to reinforce the shape of the hat in case the elastic loosens over time.

Free Crochet Pattern: Marrakesh Messy Bun Hat

R1: ch 24, join with a slip stitch to the first chain.

R2: place an elastic right under the first round. Sc 24 around the elastic [24]

R3: (2 sc, inc) 8 times [32]

R4: (3 sc, inc) 8 times [40]

R5: (4 sc, inc) 8 times [48]

R6: (5 sc, inc) 8 times [56]

R7: (6 sc, inc) 8 times [64]

R8: (7 sc, inc) 8 times [72]

*For childrens size, follow instructions below. For adults size, skip childrens size and go straight to R9 under adults size.

For childrens size:

R9-45: sc around. [72]

Fasten off.

For Adult Size:

R9: (8 sc, inc) 8 times [80]

R10-48: sc around [80]

Fasten off. Weave in ends

For Bunny Applique:

First of all, to get the shape for the bunny’s body, follow this Youtube Video.

For the ears: ch 6, sc in second ch from hook and across. Make 2

For the belly:

R1: sc 6 into magic ring. [6]

R2: inc around [12]

R3: (sc 1, inc) 6 times [18]

Fasten off.

To make up: Sew belly onto body. Sew ears onto top of bunny’s head. Embroider nose in a triangle shape. Embroider eyes as desired.

Sew bunny applique onto the hat, I sewed mine with the bottom of the applique 18 rounds up from the last round.

And your project is done! Peace, blessings and happy crocheting. 🙂

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